Cree Family History Network

The search for your Cree, Crie, Crea, Cre, Crey and Chree origins

To Trevor Cree 

To start of I am the GG granddaughter of Hugh Cree and Catherine.

Hugh Cree is not married to Jane Wallace she is his sister Jane Cree married to John Wallace.

Hugh is married to Catherine

Lets prove how this is so.

Birth record of Henry Cree son of Hugh Cree and Eliza Majorie  born 28 Dec 1869.  Record shows informant as Catherine stated as Grandmother.

Birth record of Henry Cree/Cassidy son of Jane Cree and Michael Cassidy born 16 Mar 1864. Record 

Shows informant as Catherine.

Birth record of Elizabeth Finlay Cree Daughter of Thomas Cree and Elizabeth Campbell born 14 Sept 1873.Shows informant Catherine as Grandmother

Birth record of Thomas Cree son of Thomas Cree and Elizabeth Campbell born 19 June 1871 shows

 informant as Catherine as Grandmother.

I have birth records of above children all stating their Grandmother is named Catherine not Jane.

At Samuel Cree's birth son of Hugh Cree and Eliza Majorie the informant is Jane Wallace stating her to be his Aunt. This is Jane Cree sister of Hugh Cree and she is married to John Wallace.

As you can see Hugh Cree is married to Catherine and his sister Jane Cree is married to John Wallace.

This really mixes things up for what is showing so I hope not to difficult to correct the mistake.

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 The Henry Cree Born to Hugh & Eliza Cree was born 28/12/1869 cause if he was born as it says above he would have

been only 13 when he got married in 1889 to Hannah Jane McQuoid. Henry and Hannah were my Great Grandparents.


Hi Helen you are correct and do match with my information, I must have dropped down a line when typing and picked up some other date.



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